Voight Room Renovations

Voight Room


Voight Conference Center is the central building on our campus and was built over 50 years ago. There are 16 rooms with balconies on the upper level that are used throughout the year for retreat groups, conferences and camps. However, many of these rooms are outdated and in desperate need of renovation. To date, 5 of the 16 rooms are still in need of a renovation.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How Much? The cost of a room renovation is $5,000.

What does the $5,000 cover? New carpet, paint, bedding, blinds, art work, lighting, an upholstered chair, patio furniture and other amenities. If additional funds are given other features can be included at the discretion of the donor.

Can I dedicate a room in honor or memory of someone? Yes! Each room will have a plaque placed on the front door in honor of the donor.

When will the work begin? The renovations will begin immediately!

Your gift is VERY appreciated, as it will greatly increase the quality of hospitality that we can offer the ministry events hosted in Voight.

If you are interested in contributing to Eagle Eyrie’s ministry by renovating a room, please call our office at 434-384-2211 or email info@eagleeyrie.org.

Before and After Pictures: